Every story starts somewhere…

My tale is no exception. I would first off like to say that this is going to be an “As-it-happens”, story. I assure you, the characters won’t be stale and the plot is always subject to change. It’s intriguing to note that this story starts in my youth. As a man, only in my twenty-second year of life on this planet, time seems to forever be in my favor. Something that many people lack. Not the actually ability to manage time- but actually having it. I perceive time as a segment. Every second now, is already in the past, and therefore can be categorized. Most of the time people see time as nothing more than something they either can’t escape from, or have no means of which to afford more. I’m using my time to leave behind something. To keep my time categorized as so that it’s easy to follow. In this way, time is and has been -in my favor.

I find incredible joy in sharing my journey with anyone wishing to read it. Accept it for what it is. Perhaps even discuss how it makes you feel? I write this at a turning point in my life. From becoming the naive boy, to the the man who sees things for what they are. Who can look past the layers of over dramatized workings, and see how the machine was truly built. There are no foreseeable boundaries to this tale. At least until I run out of time.